A hectic morning... finalizing some papers to be presented on meeting at 9.30 a.m . Then just got a call from Mr.Haji The Boss (not sivaji ok) regarding budget issues. I have to prepare 'em before 2.30 p.m . And I'm veeery sleepy right now after long 'munaqasyah' with my hubby thru the phone..hiihihihi. Just jotting simple thing about my special Ramadhan day on 31st August 2009..ngeee :) Nothing..too special but still.. I want perpetuate the memory in this blog ;)
Happy (belated) 52nd Independence Day
Our beloved country stepped into 52 years of independence on last 31st august. But sadly speak, each years shows a graph of decreasing spirit of understanding the real meaning of 'independence' especially among youngsters. It is displayed throughout one whole year..not on that very day (31st August - of cos, respecting Ramadhan). Crime cases, moral & social issues, political issues, health issues, economic issues.. nothing demonstrate that we are shifting our country into a better level year after year. I'm not being pesimist but.. there are no a distinct aspect that make me really proud to be a Muslim Malaysian this year and few years back.
But what I like most about this year independence celebration is...it happened in Ramadhan and therefore, no (ridiculous) countdown event - I said ridiculous because they started with concert, countdown, shouting MERDEKA, launching fireworks...and went back home stucked in traffic jammed or worse.. spend the night in hotels, got drunk, etc. Just not the right way to celebrate an important historical event in our country. At least... in Ramadhan, those unnecessary and empty-hearted celebration will not happened and filled with something more useful - tarawih & tadarrus ( The better way to express joy & thanksfulness to Allah for the day).
Independence Day special menu..
Hehe.. I poured my heart and soul in preparing food for sahur and ifthar as I had much time to spent (public holiday). Here they are..taraaaaa :
Cili padi fried rice + fried egg for sahur (The rice was really HOT!)

Chicken rice for ifthar...yummy!! (chicken rice is my fav)

Whenever I cook chicken rice.. my mind straightly sailed to Bonda Soup Corner (BSC) memories in 2004. BSC was a PMIUM food stall in UM's Convo week. And one of the main course there was Chicken Rice.. beside the main menu - of cos, variety kind of soup. I was in charge of preparing chicken rice every day. Actually not totally preparing the whole procedure as puchasing raw ingredients were made by the boys. I only did the cooking (the rice, cooked the marinated chicken and did the sauces) while the marvellous soup was made by my senior - Ust Ashraf Zulkifli- using his secret ingredients ;) The experiences of handling a part of food business is really memorable.. and not forgetting the exhaustion part too... really major!! Cooking 4-5 trip of chicken rice set in large amount every day, dealt with the heat and lifted heavy things. I got totally flat at night and woke up early in the morning to cook again. Pheww.. luckily it only last within a week.. :) What a sweeeet memory.. ok.. have to go now.. enough of food talking, make my mouth watery..hihihi :)
As we are stepping into the 2nd phase of Ramadhan.. I hope the energetic momentum from the 1st phase will still remain and not dissolved by the Hari Raya mode. There are a lot more to catch up and a lot more to improvise our ibadah. Pray for all Muslims out there.. and have a blessed Ramadhan :)